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Sourcing Material & Parts
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Product description > Sourcing Material & Parts > Melamine & Wax

Melamine & Wax

Product details

Mold Cleaning Material (Melamine)


Our melamine is specially designed for Epoxy molding compound, therefore is best suited for use in the cleaning of mold stains which occur during the molding of epoxy molding compound for encapsulation of semiconductors.

It is a global standard of the mold cleaning materials which continue being used throughout for more than 15 years.


Excellent cleanability

-      High adhesive strength melamine resin system

Better workability


-      Improved manufacturing productively through decreasing total cleaning time

 ** Form and size can be adjusted upon requirements of customers


Mold Conditioning Material (Wax)


Direct use of Epoxy Molding Compound after melamine cleaning may cause serious mold sticking because of the absence of releasing material on the surface of mold.

Wax compound contains excess wax components that can give releasing ability to mold to prevent sticking.